March 07, 2012
Don't Get Mad... Get MOTIVATED.
First: After about a month of neglecting a bunch of other obligations, we have achieved a goal.
Verify The Recall Database is live.
I've had difficulty getting on, either through legitimate traffic or DDoS, but that won't last forever. Then the commie hunt begins. I hope a bunch of corrupt bastards end up suffering the consequence of their fraud.
I'm happy to have seen the effort through, and I'm proud of the effort of the volunteers. I spent nearly every night since the petition release entering data... I could have done more.
"We have danced and danced with Wisconsin politicians. We don't like
to dance and we are now done dancing in Wisconsin. Forever." - an Unnamed Mining Company Representative.
The State Mining Bill went down today.
I'd like to stipulate that Senator Tim Carpenter is a weak-kneed, limp-wristed, commie bitch.
The contemptible piece of shit Dale Schultz (RINO-Richland Center) sided with the commies to shoot down the State Senate mining bill compromise. The bill was not to approve the proposed iron mine (in the State's most economically depressed area), but to allow a process in which there was a tangible endpoint. The mine proposal would still have had to wade through the alphabet soup of departments, bureaus, and agencies in order to obtain a permit, but the mother fucking commies (including Dale Schultz) pretended all the while that everybody would glow in the dark and have three-eyed babies if a mine were allowed to APPLY to operate. Who cares there are mines operating in harmonic compliance with EPA regs less than a quarter tank of gas away... And who cares that the average family income in the area of the proposed mine is $23,000 per year.
The State Senator currently holding office in the district in which I live is a commie. You may remember
Jessica King from her love-fest with the "
Fuck The Troops" blogger Ian Murphy. Senator King the commie won our district Senate seat in a recall against Randy Hopper by a margin of about 1,200 votes (around 1% IIRC) in a district that trends 56% conservative. In my eyes, she was the deciding vote against the mining permit application process streamlining... and therefore it was her vote which prevented a $1.5 billion dollar job-creating endeavor in an economically-depressed area. She and she alone is responsible for strangling these jobs before they could ever leave the crib.
The good news: She Has A Challenger.
Meet Rick Gudex. His website currently stinks, but that can be fixed. What the guy DOES have on his side is organization, drive, goals, an articulate message, and a weak, gaffe-prone communist opponent who barely managed to win office despite a highly-motivated base against a flawed incumbent. I'm going balls-deep on the Gudex campaign, and I believe that with hard work he will win.
Jessica King: Hope you've had fun. Get the fuck out.
Posted by: the botnet at
10:36 PM
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Go Bot Go!!!
Have you seen Kathleen Falks ad paid for by the Teachers Union, staring teachers who are LYING!!!!!
Posted by: Lizard at March 11, 2012 09:55 PM (kAaY/)
Hey Liz.
Sorry, but I don't believe I have. If it's as bad as the United Wisconsin ad claiming "45 kids forced to sit on the floor because they don't have furniture", then I don't want to see it... I'll end up throwing a brick through the teevee. I've been trying to steer clear of the evening news... I get too pissed off.
Apparently, there's some real dissention taking place within the ranks of the commie party over the failure to pass the "mining bill". Damned right there should be. The whole episode had me so pissed I had to take a break. Belling was saying the people in Jauch's district were fucking PISSED.
Posted by: the botnet at March 13, 2012 06:04 PM (6PDiu)
It was bad, 3000 laid off. They neglected to say how it was the union who forced the lay offs by refusing to make 1% contribution to pension.
There is also some problems occurring because the teachers union forgot to take a vote before declaring that they were supporting good old Kathleen.
Apparently a few teachers took exception to that......shocking.
Posted by: Lizard at March 18, 2012 03:32 PM (kAaY/)
Really we can get a
great deal if we search carefully and use our old clothes.Thanks for this
very informative blog of yours
Posted by: at September 13, 2012 01:06 AM (nNgGj)
Great article,
totally what I was looking for.
Posted by: at November 01, 2012 05:36 AM (nejgS)
Posted by: salwar kameez at November 26, 2012 03:40 AM (HdEg/)
Wow, this is pretty interesting. Inspiring, as well. Thanks for
sharing such inspiring experience with us. Great blog, congrats.!
Posted by: mens indowestern at December 04, 2012 06:14 AM (L+qUd)
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March 05, 2012
Verify the Recall Update, Housecleaning, and other Somesuch.
From the inbox this morning...
It's official! Verify The Recall
will launch our publicly accessible, online, searchable database for
recall petition signatures during the evening of Wednesday, March 7,
This program is made possible because of the incredible data entry efforts made by VTR Volunteers in recent weeks. THANK YOU for all of your hard work!
Wonderful news.
There is an incomplete list circulating (with a search tool) which can be found at
Put Wisconsin First, but the Verify The Recall searchable database will go live on Wednesday night. I presume the VTR database will most likely be found through the
VTR website
I'm absolutely delighted that the data entry is complete for the Walker challenge. I believe there was a substantial drop off in enthusiasm as the days (then weeks) dragged on. I began to worry we'd not complete.
In other news, I attended the "It's Working Wisconsin Town Hall" event sponsored by Americans For Prosperity and the MacIver Institute.
Speakers included Luke Hilgeman (State Director of the AFP Foundation), Brian Fraley from the MacIver Institute, Rep Robin Vos (WI Joint Finance Co-Chair), Rep Jim Steineke, and Ben Schneider (Oshkosh School Board).
One of the highlights was the new video effort by AFP and MacIver to showcase the results of Act 10. Check out their website
It was great, and afterward one of the Oshkosh TEA Party activists let me know
US Senate Candidate Mark Neumann would be dropping through the Republican HQ in Oshkosh. Neumann is a proven budget slasher, and is endorsed by Senators Rand Paul and Jim DeMint (two conservative rock-stars if ever there were). I've concluded that this is his time, and he is the man. Mark Neumann is the best choice to represent Wisconsin in our war against the bastard commie horde. Neumann for Senate 2012!
Screw the commies, and Baracka Hussein SCOAMF Obama is a limp-wristed Marxist bitch.
Posted by: the botnet at
07:52 PM
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Post contains 326 words, total size 3 kb.
Thanks Bot!
In terms of Neumann, well in a choice between and Tommy I would choose Mark but not without some hesitation. Sorry he has some past that shows he can be a bit of Rino at times BUT Tommy likes to spend and frankly choices you make in your private life do reflect the type of man you are.
Posted by: Lizard at March 07, 2012 01:51 PM (kAaY/)
I agree with your assessment, Lizard. I had issues with Neumann due to the actions of he and his supporters in the Gubernatorial primary versus Scott Walker, but in this race Neumann is the man. He claims he's an arch fi-con in office, and I believe his record in the house bears that out.
Tommy Thompson loved him some Obamacare, and sure was cozy with Sebelius and Daschle. (I'd get all involved in documenting his transgressions, but I don't wish to get buried in the weeds right now).
And besides, the guy will likely only serve a single term (he is, after all, like, old, and stuff) and we'll have to re-fight for this seat once again in six years.
Posted by: the botnet at March 07, 2012 09:23 PM (6PDiu)
Neumann has a number of things in his voting record that make him a bit of a rino but better than Tommy.
I may not agree with Kohl's politics but at least he has not embarrassed WI the way Feingold did :-)
Posted by: Lizard at March 11, 2012 09:59 PM (kAaY/)
True that. I've heard some Hovne (or whatever) commercials on the radio... but I believe the "carpetbagger" rap might be tough for him to beat. He has put on some great radio ads, though.
At thip point, I'm Neumann. Guess maybe I'll hold my fire to see how things shake out for a little while.
Posted by: the botnet at March 13, 2012 06:08 PM (6PDiu)
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February 26, 2012
PA Commies
Apparently people from Pennsylvania are interested in the Walker Recall. Get the Fuck Out, commie bastards.
I have a bunch of examples of bullshit perpetrated by the Blue-Fisters on the recall petitions, and if it suits my fancy I'll share them here after the Verify effort is complete.
Posted by: the botnet at
07:33 PM
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Post contains 50 words, total size 1 kb.
February 17, 2012
Tell your Friends...
I've not posted here, or done much of anything else on the intertubes lately... I come home from work, have supper with the family, then hop onto the Verify The Recall site to enter signatures.
We have (finally) achieved the 75% mark for our data entry... and need help. If you can spare a bit of time; an hour here or there.... please consider joining our efforts.
From the Verify The Recall facebook site:
Encourage ONE MORE FRIEND to become a Verify The Recall Volunteer! We are in the final push for completing the gubernatorial
recall data entry process... Every additional volunteer helps us
complete the process quicker! Sign up at
Posted by: the botnet at
07:15 PM
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Post contains 118 words, total size 1 kb.
I didn't know that help from outside the state was possible. Have some errands to take care of, but after that, I shall check into the main site and sign up/in. (Assuming it is not too late to do so.) In any case, continued good luck in striking a blow against the progressives north of the "Cheddar Curtain"!
Posted by: Guy S at February 21, 2012 11:53 AM (58Ewj)
Hey Bot, I signed up but have not been contacted so don't know what is up.
Posted by: Lizard at February 21, 2012 01:48 PM (kAaY/)
Hiya Guy S, thanks for answering the call! And the same for you, Lizard.
Scott Walker is an honorable, good man. As you both probably know, the Walker camp was only able to plow through about 300K of the petition signatures, and the GAB will not allow an extension. All challenges are due by the 27th.
The GAB (predictably) has ruled that no third-party challenges will be considered... but it is easy to make the case that the citizens have a right to challengethis process. There will be litigation, and the commies on the GAB will be compelled to consider the FACTS revealed by the Verify The Recall effort. But first we must complete the data entry.
I did some napkin math, and I reckon there are about 800K signatures (they claimed 1,000K), and about 35% will need to be tossed to prevent a recall election. I do not believe that outcome is likely, but there's only one way to find out.
In any event, we will have exposed who signed (I'll be searching for reporters and editors in the WI legacy media), as well as quantified exactly how dirty and underhanded the commies are.
My very best regards to you both, and I'd like to extend my personal gratitude to each of you for any effort you might be able to contribute to what is a just cause.
Posted by: the botnet at February 21, 2012 08:02 PM (6PDiu)
Global warming is one of the most vital issues in now days which delivers a negative impression among the minds of the people while its increase rates is high.
Posted by: jamescamroch at February 22, 2012 05:33 AM (tZdD2)
James I am not quite sure what you are trying to say because your grammar is so poor.
Posted by: Lizard at February 22, 2012 08:59 AM (kAaY/)
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January 30, 2012
Verify the Recall *UPDATED*
Over the weekend, we patriots in the Land of Cheese and Beer sharpened our teeth on the Van Wanggaard recall petitions as part of the
"Verify the Recall" effort organized by the Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty and the Dane County Tea Party.
The communist bastards and useful idiots of the left in their pathetic recall attempt submitted
more than 24,000 signatures in their bullshit attempt to recall Senator Wanggaard, which we chewed through "several times" over the course of 48 hours. In the first image, we see a case in which two people at the same address have remarkable similarities in their penmanship.
(Click to embiggen)
And as for the Main Event... the Walker Recall? The communist bastards at the GAB are stonewalling the release of the petitions online, which will only delay compiling the Database of Shame. The GAB commies claim they wish to protect the identities of "domestic abuse victims", but I suspect they are squirrelling away some of the more egregious fraudsters to use should they need a push over the top if huge numbers of signatures are forcibly tossed. As an example, here is a case where somebody got fucked up, signing their real name after printing their nom-de-guerre.
(Click to embiggenify) Perfect fodder for the race to the finish for the bitterly partisan GAB.
Interestingly enough, and despite repeated assurances from the commie bastards at the WI-SDWP they had gone through the signatures to weed out obvious fraud and mischief, apparently they were as successful as they are at rational thought... which is to say, not at all.
The errors contained in the petition here are numerous and glaring.
Item 1) "Pedro "Ventue"" cannot sign his own fucking name. That's pathetic.
Item 2) "Cesaria Cortez" cannot sign his name, either. Instead, it is printed each time.
Item 3 "A-Git" probably is not a valid name. Like the SCOAMF, it is reasonable to suppose "A-Git" might have trouble producing a birth certificate proving that is indeed his name. Further, in
Item 4), "A-Git" cannot legibly write his own address, and similarly, in
Item 5 does not seem to know what the Zip code for that address might be. The person who signed their name to the bottom of the petition certifying its validity should have their ass thrown in jail.
(One click to each image will serve you well if embiggening is your wish.)
The cases I have identified are the most obvious which I personally happened upon in the course of the petitions I entered to the database, and one can only imagine the level of fraud of types more difficult to detect. How many people comitted identity fraud, and how many dead people voted. Lizard claims that all dead people are democrats, being either dead-dead, or else just brain-dead. I believe her.
In closing, fuck the commies, fuck the SCOAMF, and may G-d Bless our beloved and honorable Governor Scott Walker.
I just received this in my inbox....
The Government Accountability Board is dragging its feet on getting the gubernatorial recall data to Verify The Recall, but we will not be deterred!
Verify The Recall planned to receive all gubernatorial recall data from the GAB today (Monday). Unfortunately, the GAB has been slow to supply us with our requested information. As a result, it now looks like it will be Friday of this week before you will be able to enter recall petition data into VTR's database for the gubernatorial recall.
All that said, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! Verify The Recall is fully ready to enter recall petition data for the remaining Wisconsin Senate races, so we will spend the rest of this week verifying the recalls of Senator Fitzgerald, Senator Moulton, and Senator Galloway! The data entry efforts required for Senator Van Wanggaard were completed this last weekend... One down, three to go!
Verify The Recall will be up and running again tonight (Monday, January 30) at 6:00 PM CST!
Your log in information is seen below. Thank you for volunteering to help uphold the integrity of Wisconsin's election processes!
Verify The Recall
Posted by: the botnet at
08:20 PM
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Post contains 686 words, total size 8 kb.
SUV Waangard is out. Ha, you lose (r).
Posted by: stink at May 09, 2012 10:47 AM (PyLdB)
Got a link for that?
Posted by: the botnet at May 15, 2012 07:45 PM (6PDiu)
I simply wanted to
opinion your blog in addition to say i definitely enjoyed reading your site
post right here.
Posted by: at September 13, 2012 01:12 AM (nNgGj)
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January 28, 2012
Vermin Infestation Strikes the bGWB
As we move closer to November 6th when we rid ourselves of our first Marxist president, expect the vermin filth to become more shrill and vociferous.
Here at the botnet's Global Warming, there's a
bit of a pest problem.
I let it stand as-is, since it is instructive to see the way the filthy commies and their useful idiots infect and infest otherwise nice places.
Be forewarned: Marxism is now a race. If you dislike Marxism, you are now a racist. Don't want to be a racist, you racist? Then embrace Marxism.
I'll take a bit of time to properly fisk this annoying shithead in a bit... right now I'm busy, and destroying little dumb-fucks is not as important as the
Verify The Recall effort.
Verify The Recall is LIVE!
Fellow citizen, we are excited to announce that Verify The Recall is officially underway! Your opportunity to enter real data from current recall petitions is here!
Verify The Recall's first efforts to begin entering real petition data will focus on Wisconsin State Senate recalls. It is our goal to complete the Senate recall petition data entry process in entirety this weekend so that we are ready to focus on recall petition data for the Governor and Lt. Governor early next week.
Any fraud found on the Senate recall petitions will make it easier to find fraud in the gubernatorial recall!
Please take a stand for election integrity this weekend by participating in Verify The Recall's historic citizen-based effort!
As tiresome and stupid as the commies are, there are more important things for a little while. I can personally attest to cases of obvious
fraud in the petitions I entered last night for the recall defense, and it is possible we can avoid the entire expensive and unnecessary recall of the State Senators as well as the Honorable Governor Scott Walker.
And by the way, Larry Sinclair and Barack (SCOAMF) Obama. Sittin' in a Limo. S-U-C-K-I-N-G.
Barack Obama is a limp-wristed Marxist SCOAMF.
Posted by: the botnet at
07:46 PM
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Post contains 338 words, total size 4 kb.
Thanks for the link, I thought you had to be able to go into someplace to help.
Posted by: Lizard at January 29, 2012 07:56 PM (kAaY/)
Looks like I found the retarded scumbag piece of shit racist asshole committing crimes against me because he wants his retarded racist, bigoted ass heard!
You are a retarded, shit-for-brain, racist, bigot, extremist, redneck, shit-sipping fucktard!
Posted by: Questionman at February 07, 2012 10:51 AM (dR9yr)
I can only assume you were looking in the mirror when you wrote that Questionman either that or you are still a glue sniffing basement dweller.
Posted by: Lizard at February 07, 2012 04:15 PM (kAaY/)
Questionman, you are doing it wrong.
You are supposed to look in the mirror and say,
I understand it's hard to hold back your vitriol, but try a little harder next time. If you do well, the men in white uniforms may cut back on the meds and let you play!
And not with yourself this time!
Posted by: LC Aggie Sith at February 07, 2012 09:36 PM (+bSoE)
Hey dipfuck, you presume I have the time to chase penny-ante ankle-nipping schizos around. I'm busy, little dumbfuck.
I have completely divested myself from anything g00gle, so if you believe I'm "comitting crimes" against you by texting from whatever during my day, not only are you stupid and presumptuous but wrong and stupid. I'm part of a movement, see? The "Occupy Job" movement. It ain't much fun, but I have mouths to feed. And a mortgage to pay. And then at night, I seek to destroy the communist movement by volunteering for the "Verify The Recall" effort.
I'm too busy to even play with you, little baboon.
Why do you keep coming back, idiot?
Posted by: the botnet at February 07, 2012 10:55 PM (6PDiu)
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January 25, 2012
As Time Proceeds, Walker is Vindicated
Interesting data released by the Marquette University Law School Poll indicate Governor Scott Walker is leading all declared commie candidates in the (as of this moment) hypothetical recall election.
The poll gauged a sample of 701 registered voters composed of 322 full-on commies or commie-leaners, and 309 closer to the Republican party, with a MOE for the full sample of +/-3.8%.
The interesting thing is that Walker wins with the overall favorability of 54 to 34, and 54% say the State is "headed in the right direction" while 46% indicate the opposite. And before people question the sample or methodology, please consider that the same poll yielded results of 50% Obama favorability to 44% unfavorable. Regarding the direction of the Nation, 24% said "right track" against 70% who said "wrong track".
While I don't understand Obama's favorables, the importance is that the Honorable Governor wins in the same polling sample carried by the limp-wristed SCOAMF Golfer-in-Chief. To me this says Walker is winning the argument with the Indies.
I have yet to go through the crosstabs, as I wait anxiously for the State of the State Address to begin at 7:00 PM. Any guesses on whether some dipshit commie will try to raise a ruckus to interrupt the Governor's speech? I hope the commie idjits do, and I hope they get a faceful of mace and an ass full of police boot before a full and thorough Rodney-Kinging.
Tonight we CELEBRATE!
May G-d Bless the Honorable Governor Scott Walker.
Posted by: the botnet at
06:22 PM
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Post contains 255 words, total size 2 kb.
Obama haters say President Obama is the worst President in history but he is doing better than the Republican/Tea Party standard bearer Ronald Reagan in every category. Any time you compare Obama‘s record with other Presidents the Obama Haters get mad and say well Obama is the President now.
you don’t even know the difference between the debt and the deficit.
People say all these awful things about Obama b/c at it’s core they HATE the fact that a Black man (technically bi-racial, but by Amerikkka’s racial calculus, one drop of Black blood makes you Black) is in the White House.
Retarded racist piece of shit!
Posted by: Questionman at January 28, 2012 05:07 AM (rVHGg)
I see the retarded, fat butt-pirate has finally managed to work his spunk-covered fingers across his sticky keyboard and bring his Perpetual Victimhood/Race Cardâ„¢ idiocy to your corner of the 'Net, bot.
He's really not worth the time it would take to Fisk his copy/paste electronic Black Nationalist diarrhea. He's the modern day equivalent of a Whack-a-Mole troll. No matter how many times you smack the shit out of him with logic, facts and truth, he pops his soft, mushy, empty head back out of his asshole to spew more inane idiocy.
Posted by: B.C. at January 29, 2012 10:15 AM (q/x03)
Really, Cortney?
You plagiarizing little gimp. Since you refuse to allow comments, but insist on trolling other people's blogs, maybe I should follow you around and post your phone number, so the people you annoy can answer!
Posted by: Yamba at January 29, 2012 08:00 PM (hyF1y)
The retard's number is 347- 652-5482
Set up a gmail account, and you can anonymously text him to death.
Posted by: Yamba at January 29, 2012 08:09 PM (hyF1y)
Posted by: vag diagnostic tool at September 16, 2012 11:13 PM (HFZ9K)
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